فارسی عربي

Akhangan Tower of Mashhad in photos

Take virtual trip to age old Akhangan Tower of Mashhad.

Mashhad is not only a haven for those who rush to the city for holy moments at the shrine of Imam Reza (AS), but also a metropolitan with lots of tourist attractions that invite a plethora of visitors from around the world.

Among such touristy spots is the Akhangan Tower, an ancient building that has been constructed to mark the tomb stone of an unknown individual.

Some historians believe that the feminine drawings on the building indicate that the tomb belongs to a woman named Gohar Taj, who most probably has been the wife of an Iranian ruler named Shahrukh Mirza.

Some others consider the tower to be the mausoleum of an Indian girl who has been Imam Reza’s follower. She probably passed away on a pilgrimage she made to the Imam’s holy shrine.

The tower is located 22 kilometers away from Mashhad, near a village named Pazh.

